Rockwall County 4-H Events and Activities

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

4-H Summer Party Egg Roll

Everyone had a great time at the summer gathering at Harry Myers Park.  If you missed it, you missed an egg of a time.  Though it wasn't a true egg roll, there were tossed eggs, cracked eggs, broken eggs, and dumped eggs.  Thanks for the games provided by the clubs.  Thanks also to the adults and youth who provided leadership for the event.  If you want to be part of the planning of county activities plan to be a part of the Parents and Adult Leaders Group that meets or be a participant in county council.  Here are a few pics from the event.  There will be more to come.  Hope your summer is starting off super.

If you have pics that would be great for promotional use, please either have your club manager upload them to this blog or email them to us here at the Extension office.