Rockwall County 4-H Events and Activities

Friday, August 26, 2011

Rockwall County 4-H T-shirt Design Contest

During the recent Club Manager Training Session, several participants discussed having a "Rockwall County 4-H T-shirt."  So this T-shirt Design Contest was created.  It's pretty straight forward.

  • Design entries should promote 4-H 
  • You can enter as many times as you desire
  • Contest is open to both youth and adults
  • Deadline for entries is Monday, September 26, 2011, 7:30 p.m. at the Extension Office
  • Entries will be received during normal office hours until deadline
  • Design should be no more than 2 colors
  • Shirt color should be specified on entry and is not counted as a color in the design
  • Winning design will be announced during National 4-H (first week in October)
  • If you cannot pull the official entry form off of this blog, go to and look under       Publications/4-H or call 972.204.7660

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Food Challenge Resources Available Now!

The 4-H Food Challenge manual has been updated for the 2011-2012 4-H year and is now posted online. 
The major changes are related to the contest resources, with MyPlate replacing MyPyramid.  The resources are referenced throughout the document; however, the resource section is located on page 19.  The changes to the resources are summarized below.

In preparation for the Food Challenge, participants should not limit themselves to studying only the resources provided at the contest.  Resources that may be helpful include (but are not limited to):
•             MyPlate –
•             Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 –
•             Fight Bac! –
•             Cooking Basics for Dummies, 3rd edition

The following resources will be provided to teams at the Food Challenge.  All are available online at:

Resource 1:        Choose My Plate – 10 Tips to a Great Plate
Resource 2:        Fight Bac – Fight Foodborne Bacteria Brochure
Resource 3:        Nutrient Needs at a Glance (Updated 7/11)
Resource 4:        Altering Recipes for Good Health

The direct link to the 4-H Food Challenge manual and resources is: