Rockwall County 4-H is moving into the 21st century with the superhighway. Agent Williams discussed this opportunity with Club Managers during a recent training. He challenged the club managers to find the most efficient and effective method of communication for the entire county program. At the conclusion of the discussion, it was decided that a blog would be the point of initial contact. With this method, standards of protection for youth communicators would be in place.
Action shots show implied movement and thus implied active learning. |
This method of communication is totally new to Agent Williams. Thus he found a colleague with competency in this area. Kaufman County 4-H Agent, Carrie Sharp, was called upon to teach Agent Williams the ropes in blogging. Williams is jumping in with both feet in the process. Thus you will see some pictures and a quick video in this initial blog.
The intention of this blog is to showcase the county program as well as update interested parties in 4-H activities occurring across Rockwall County. The Extension Office as well as Club Managers will have the opportunity to add postings with club happenings.